Position : Finance
Dewi was a Finance degree who graduated from Lampung University. She started her career in finance as a consultant at PT. Muji Asta Consult and the latest position as Finance Division head of PT. Asuransi Tugu Kresna Pratama. She joined the company as a Finance.
Position : Loss Adjuster
Kevin was an expert in mechanical engineering with a specialty in Heavy Equipment who graduated from Polytechnic State Jakarta and joined the company as a Loss adjuster.
Most of the cases handled by him such as claims for Fire and flood for Heavy Equipment, machinery breakdown and Property All Risk business.
Position : Loss Adjuster
Kevin was an expert in mechanical engineering with a specialty in Heavy Equipment who graduated from Polytechnic State Jakarta and joined the company as a Loss adjuster.
Most of the cases handled by him such as claims for Fire and flood for Heavy Equipment, machinery breakdown and Property All Risk business.
Position : Loss Adjuster
Fiqri was a geophysics engineer who graduated from Sumatera Institute of Technology and joined the company as a Loss Adjuster.
Most of the cases handled by him such as claims for Fire and flood for Property All Risk business.
Position : Senior Adjuster
Wallyudin was a law degree who graduated from Pancasila University. He started his career in 2007 by joining PT. Adira Dinamika Insurance and in 2014, he joined PT. Cunningham Lindsey Indonesia as a loss adjuster. He joined with PT. Lymaan
Adjuster Indonesia in 2021 as senior adjuster.
Most of the cases handled by him such as claims for Fire, PAR, Telecommunication, crop insurance, and agriculture.
Position : Senior Loss Adjuster
Rizki Riswandi was a civil engineer who graduated from the Nasional
Institute of Technology, Bandung and he continued his studies until
received his master’s degree in business administration from ITB Business School and Management, Bandung. Rizky holds holding ANZIIF (Assoc) certificate for his professional skills in the Insurance Industry. He started his career in engineering in 2005 by joining PT. Huawei Tech Investment as Regional Project Manager and continued his engineering career by joining several companies and the latest as Building Manager of PT. Elizabeth Hanjaya, Bandung. In 2015, he started his career in the Insurance Industry as a loss adjuster for PT. Cunningham Lindsey Indonesia and continue his career in loss adjusting with several loss adjusting companies in Indonesia. In 2021, he joined PT. Lymaan Adjuster Indonesia as Senior Adjuster.
Most of the cases handled by him such as claims for Fire, PAR, IAR,
and CAR/EAR, including catastrophe claims.
Position : Technical Adviser
Michael Rumondor was a Ship Building engineer who graduated from
the Institute of Technology Adhi Tama, Surabaya. He also holds the
highest certification for Indonesia Loss Adjusting (ICAP) for his professional skill in the Insurance Industry. He started his career in the shipping Industry as a technician at PT. Cumawis and continued his career with several shipping companies. He started his career in the Insurance Industry especially in loss adjusting company in 1997 as a surveyor at PT. Nippon Kaiji Kentei Kyokai and continued his career with several adjusting companies and the latest position as Surabaya Branch Head of PT. Cunningham Lindsey Indonesia prior to joining PT. Lymaan Adjuster Indonesia as a Technical Adviser.
Most of the cases handled by him such as claims for Fire, Machinery
Breakdown, Highrise building, and marine cargo.
Position : Vice President
Agus Hery Priyanto was a Mechanical Engineer from Muhammadiyah Malang
University. He also holds the highest certification for Indonesia Loss Adjusting (ICAP) for his professional skill in the Insurance Industry. He started his career as an engineer at PT. Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper. He started his career in the Insurance Industry in 2005 by joining PT. Cunningham Lindsey Indonesia as Loss Adjuster. He continued his career for 18 years with his latest position as Manager. He joined PT. Lymaan Adjuster Indonesia in August 2023 as Vice President.
Most of the cases handled by him such as claims for Power Plant, Fire, PAR, IAR,
Machinery Breakdown, Heavy Equipment, Paper Industry, Highrise building and
Construction (CAR/EAR).
Position : Director
Andriana was an Electrical Engineering graduate from Sepuluh November Institute of Technology and also holds a degree in Master Business Administration from La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. Andriana also holds an ANZIIF (Senior Assoc) certificate for his professional skills in the Insurance Industry. He started his career as an engineer for Toyota Astra Motor and Bridgestone Tyre Indonesia. In 2003, he started his career in the Insurance Industry by joining PT. ACE INA Insurance and continued his career with several Insurance Companies in Indonesia with the last position as Division Head of the Claim Department for Tugu Kresna Pratama Insurance. In 2014, he started his career in loss adjusting by joining PT. Cunningham Lindsey Indonesia (Sedgwick) and in 2021 he joined PT. Lymaan Adjuster Indonesia as President Director.
Most of the cases handled by him such as claim for Power Plant, Fire, Machinery
Breakdown, Telecommunication, Highrise building and Construction.
Position : Commisioner
Ir. Rusbandi Maskum is a retired Indonesian Air Force with the last rank as Vice Air Marshal. He also graduated from Electrical Engineering of Indonesian University. After retiring from Indonesian Air Force, he was appointed as President Director of PT. Dahana (Persero). He is now still working as President Director of PT. Eka who do business in supplying military equipment.